Bed Bug News Roundup – Top Bed Bug Stories - Bed Bug Guide ClickCease

Bed Bug News Roundup – Top Bed Bug Stories

In the world of bed bugs and pest control, there are always plenty of interesting stories making the news each week. At Bed Bug Guide, we like to keep ourselves well informed about the latest developments. This is the eighth in our series of regular news roundups, in which we summarize the top headlines that grabbed our attention over the past month.

 Vancouver Fire Department Using Sniffer Dog to Hunt Down Bed Bugs

Vegas the beagle, and his handler Marcos Michelet, are a familiar sight to Vancouver firefighters. The duo visit Vancouver Fire Hall several times each month to make sure any bed bugs the firefighters encounter while on duty don’t make their way back home. A firefighter’s equipment can easily become contaminated with the pests while in the field, meaning crews can spread the parasites into vehicles and buildings. Michelet works for K9 Inspectors, a company that trains dogs specifically to detect the scent of bed bugs. “We’re coming across bed bugs on a daily basis, even from just routine medical calls,” said deputy fire chief Brian Godlonton. “We’ve had dozens if not 100 exposures in the last year.” If the beagle does detect bugs, the equipment is taken to the department’s bed bug oven, which heats the gear at 50 degrees Celsius for two hours to kill the insects.

  1. British Airways Flight Delayed by Four Hours After Crew Discover Bed Bug Infestation

An Airbus A320-232 was delayed by four hours last month after British Airways staff discovered bed bugs crawling over the seats. The plane was due to take off from London’s Heathrow Airport, heading for Ghana, when it was grounded. A replacement aircraft was found so passengers could continue with their journey while the original Airbus was treated. It’s the latest in a spate of bed bug incidents that have plagued the carrier over recent months. Last October, a Canadian family suffered multiple bed bug bites while onboard a flight from British Columbia to the UK. And in December, a man experienced dozens of bites while flying in British Airways business class. “The comfort of our customers is paramount, so as soon as this very rare issue was identified at Heathrow, we immediately took the aircraft out of service for treatment,” said an airline representative.

  1. Parents Complain After Bed Bugs Found in Chicago School Cafeteria

Unhappy parents have voiced their concerns after bed bugs were discovered in a school cafeteria. The principal of Frazier Prep Academy in Chicago sent a letter to parents last month, warning that the bugs were present in the cafeteria. Staff members also found bed bugs in a classroom. “My kids were telling me, ‘They’re making us put our clothes on the outside in the hallway,’” said one parent, Tyffanni Bickhem, before the Christmas break. Bickhem is alarmed about the lack of communication from the school, and chose to keep her children at home for several days after the incident.

  1. Bed Bugs Force Closure of Fire Station in Hobart, Indiana

Fire Chief Randy Smith was forced to close his facility last month after the building became infested with bed bugs. Several firefighters were bitten by the parasites, although after examination they were found to have no medical conditions. The department informed the Center for Disease Control and Prevention as soon as they became aware of the problem. Monroe Pest Control was called in to exterminate the insects, disinfect the station and sanitize any equipment used by firefighters. Other fire stations in the area were inspected as a precaution, but no other infestations were discovered. Smith believes the bugs originated from an infested building to which fire personnel had recently been dispatched.

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