How to Deal with Bed Bugs in Computers and Other Electronic Devices - Bed Bug Guide ClickCease

How to Deal with Bed Bugs in Computers and Other Electronic Devices

Bed bugs are highly adaptable and resilient creatures, making them difficult to eradicate once they gain a foothold in your home. If you’ve ever experienced a bed bug infestation, then you’ll know the pesky critters love to hide in bed frames, mattresses, baseboards, furniture and clothing.

Given enough time, most of these hiding spots are reasonably easy to treat using sprays, powders, vacuum cleaners and hot steam (or a heated clothes dryer for clothing). But did you know that bed bugs can also crawl into your computer, television, hi-fi equipment, and other electronic devices? These appliances all offer bed bugs a cosy, warm, dark environment with minimal disturbance.

If bed bugs begin to reproduce inside your electrical device, then this can lead to increased population of the insect inside the appliance. Eventually the impact of dead insects, bed bug feces and molting skin will prevent the equipment from functioning correctly, so it’s important to eradicate them as quickly as possible.

While it’s rare for electrical devices to harbor bed bugs, and it usually only occurs in the most severe infestations, bed bugs are certainly flat and small enough to fit through the tiniest of cracks or openings in electrical equipment. The electronic items most likely to conceal the parasites are bedside radio alarm clocks, due to their close proximity to the bed. However, anything with nooks and crannies can harbor bed bugs, including iPhones, mice, keyboards, remote controls and cameras.

If the insects do enter into your electrical equipment, then the task of eradicating them becomes much more challenging. Electricity and water don’t mix, so you certainly can’t launder or steam these devices. Chemical sprays and powders could corrode the circuitry, and heat could cause plastic components to melt.

Some devices may be treated using a heater, but it’s always a risky proposition. A temperature of at least 120 degrees must be applied, for a minimum of half an hour to ensure all the insects are killed. So before you try this, carefully read the manual, or contact the manufacturer for advice, and remove any batteries or mains power connections first.

Normal treatment methods might still have some limited impact on bed bugs in electrical equipment, because the insects must leave the device to feed, at which point they could come into contact with residual powders and sprays in the general vicinity. But this is a hit-and-miss solution, because bed bugs can survive for a long time without eating. And if you don’t kill them all, then they’re likely to re-emerge later and re-infest your home. See more at

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